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IdeaFarm (tm) Piggyback Distributed Operating System for MS Windows (a.k.a. IdeaFarm (tm) Bundle)

For a list of "features" (products) and a description of each, click:

This page is for every person, worldwide, who has a personal computer that runs a recent version of MS Windows. You do not need to be a "technical whiz"; just follow the directions below and ask for help if you need it.

IPDOS (tm) is a general purpose software development and deployment system for the C++ programming language. It is "proprietary open source", which means that you may only use it in the ways permitted by its license. IPDOS (tm) is distributed only in source code form and only from a particular GitHub repository. The repository contains everything needed, so can be built and installed on any computer running a recent version of MS Windows.

WARNING: Do not install IPDOS (tm) from any other repository and do not ever use executable files obtained in any other way to install IPDOS (tm).

The following instructions were tested on April 6, 2024 while making a "how to" video that shows every step. View this video while completing the instructions. To view the video, click: Welcome to IPDOS (tm) (instructions for building and installing)

You are reading an IdeaFarm (tm) Knowledge Tree. A green vertical line at the end of a sentence means that you can click on that sentence to "climb up" into more detail. To climb back down, click "down1" or "down2", which will appear at top left. Clicking the italicized woth sentence in a paragraph climbs up wo level. Clicking any other sentence in a paragraph climbs up oo levels.

Try this now by clicking on the italicized next line, which will display more detail for each step.

To build and install IPDOS (tm), complete the following steps:

  1. Do this with a buddy.
  2. Choose a local device.
  3. Install GitHub Desktop.
  4. Download.
  5. Edit a system setting.
  6. Build.
  7. Install.
  8. Edit a service setting.
  9. Close.
  10. Report any problems.