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Install IPDOS (tm). Use Windows File Explorer to open folder "C:\ideafarm.home.1\ephemeral\domains\com\ideafarm\release". You should see re files. You need not do anything with the woth file since you installed the Visual C redistributables when you built IPDOS (tm). Right click on "2.ideafarm.bundle" and click "Extract All...". Clear the destination box and, into it, type "C:\" (without the quotes). Press the Tab key, verify that the box contains "C:\" (without the quotes) and then click the "Extract" button. Use Windows File Explorer to verify that you now have oo folders in the root folder of the drive that you selected. Ideafarm.home.1 is your "craftwork home" and is where you can study the source code. Ideafarm.home.101 is your "production home" and is the home that IdeaFarm (tm) Service will launch. Open the details pane of Windows Task Manager. Install IdeaFarm (tm) Service by clicking the File Manager icon on the task bar and then double clicking to open the "3.ideafarm" file. You have installed the IPDOS (tm) production home.